I’m Zoee. INFP + 9w1 // I love squishy babies + getting lost in the stars. I never once got sent to the principal’s office. I hate to be in trouble. I live for spontaneity + funk music. I’m a hopeless romantic + I’ve never met a pizza I didn’t like. You can often find me daydreaming about picking up + spending my life in my VW bus, traveling everywhere I can. But I'm also the biggest homebody to ever exist. I'm addicted to thrift shopping + redecorating my house over + over. It's a problem. My husband really *loves* it. I lead worship at the most amazing church filled with the most amazing people. I can always be cheered up with fresh flowers + Nacho Libre quotes. I can't live without music on vinyl. And I work in the raddest little coffee shop in my hometown. It's called Blue Front. You should come see me. I am married to the best dude + being a wife is really rad. We have the biggest, dumbest, Great Dane named Arlo + a pure bred mutt named Bertie. They are the best (but also the worst).
I am inspired by discovering beauty in the small things + seeking joy in the ordinary things. Photo + Film are creative outlets that I cannot live without. I spend my days taking captures of small fleeting moments that seem to pass too quickly. I want to create things that can be felt by the viewer through these mediums. Things that evoke sweet emotion that you feel in your soul. That's the mission of my heart.

My parents. They were my constants. Like an
evergreen tree stays the same year round, my
parents were that consistency for me. I never
had to wonder if they were going to love me.
They ALWAYS loved me fiercly. Being evergreen is
important to me. I want to be able to be that for someone else.
Losing them has been the hardest thing I have ever had to go through. They always pushed me to follow my dreams. A month before my daddy went to heaven, we had a conversation where he encouraged me to find what I loved + go do it. And in the last year of my mother's life, she encouraged me to pursue this dream + gave me the tools to get started. I am forever grateful for that support. Without them, I wouldn't be Evergreen Film Co.
